meeting Jon Batiste

You might remember how in 2022 Jon Batiste cleaned house at the GRAMMYs. He won ALL the awards for EVERYTHING! And rightfully so!

2022 was a tough year for our family and I often would turn to his music for comfort. I love (as does everyone else) the song FREEDOM but my very favourite is his cover of the Sunny Side of the Street.

When I heard he was playing in Vancouver I insisted we go. Which didn’t take much convincing even though my husband is more of a Queens of the Stone Age kind of guy. So there we were enjoying the show when Jon Batiste and his band are playing, singing and dance right off the stage and into the lobby. We jumped out of our seats to see where they had gone. We could hear them but we couldn’t find them. We tried to go back to our seats but were told, “no you can’t go back to your seat, he’s coming out this way”. Wait? What?! A few moments later, sure enough, out walked Jon Batiste and his band. He walked right up to us with that huge smile, said hello and shook our hands. Pretty amazing!

I often think about that moment. It’s so easy to stay home and work away. There’s always so much to be done that it can be hard to remember to take a break. This moment was a reminder to take time off to play. You never know what might happen or who you might run into!
