So this happened! I’ve been dying to share it with you forever… Now I finally can!

Big thanks to Paintbrush Studio Fabrics for EVERYTHING! To my sewing community that rallied around and embraced #sewinglikeamothertrucker to prepare for this… WE DID IT! A specific post about all the makers is coming soon! And especially a BIG thanks to Steve Hawkins for the bang up job on the video. To see it and the feature just click…

Then stay tuned throughout the month on Fabric.com for more Lysa Flower sewing / fabric fun times! HIGH FIVE!!!


You guys, it has been crazy surreal! And having to keep this under wraps for so long has almost made me want to burst! But it's true, I've found myself on the cover of Mollie Makes, issue #94!

Dream. Come. True!

I was given my very first Mollie Makes as a birthday present, six years ago. It was love at first sight. The dreamy projects, the snazzy make and takes, the styled photography, the colour palette. I honestly could never get enough... and I have the back issues to prove it! I never dreamed one day my work would be on the cover!

Out of the blue I was approached by Lindsey, of Mollie Makes... and then the secret sewing, photo taking and pattern writing began... and now it's here. In fact I just received my copy in the mail today! 

I picked up issue #92 when I was in LA last week. North American copies seem to take a while to hit stands here. I'm guessing #94 will be in another month or two, depending on your store. If you're subscriber you may have gotten your copy already. Or, if you live in Europe, they hit the stands yesterday, June 21st!

I hadn't realize this but if you subscribe for the paper version of the magazine, you'll received a Liberty "The Cottage Gardens" fabric bundle plus a BONUS Mollie Makes project book! BUT they also have digital versions that can be found on APPLE, itunes and Google Play. Even their newsletter is dreamy!

In the meantime, here's a teaser on ISSUU... and recommended for your listening pleasure, as you stroll through pages: The GO GO's, WE GOT THE BEAT! Happy summer everyone! And remember, "We're not old. We're Retro!"



A few months back I interviewed Andrea Tsang Jackson on this newsletter. Since then she's created a new project called Our Song, Your Reflection. It's in collaboration between Andrea, and singer-song writer Meaghan Smith. Andrea created a beautiful quilt design and Meagan wrote a song that speaks about the importance of community and the human connections that we make. The song doesn't specifically speak of quilting, but there are references and it reflects the quit design. I was honoured that Andrea asked me to be a part of the project. To find out more about it, they have a great video you can see on IndiGoGo, HERE.

As I sewed my blocks, I thought about my community. I remember in art school, sitting in Art History, learning about the different movements. I longed for something like that. Artists meeting in cafes, encouraging each other, discussing different techniques, sharing information, swapping pieces of art work... jump ahead to 2010. A little tweet about the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild starting up landed in my lap. Shortly after that I co-founded the Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild... and as luck would have it I'd have the chance to almost yearly visit the Los Angeles Modern Quilt Guild. I've traveled twice to Quiltcon and to Quilt Market. I had no idea back then I was joining a movement, all I knew is I wanted to PLAY!

And this doesn't even include the huge community on Instagram! Swaps are coordinated there, bee's are formed and challenges are announced.

I'm so grateful for each community and the unique people in them. I'm grateful for the ALL the things they've taught me, their humour, their encouragement, their talent and their friendship. Not to get to sappy, but I'd like to thank you for being a part of this community. It means the world to me! xo

RECOMMENDED FOR YOUR PLAY LIST: Meaghan's song, Your Refelctions. Enjoy!


Our oldest son just turned 18 ...which is really weird because half the time I still feel 18. His birthday lines up with Canada's Victoria Day long weekend AND Quilt Market, e v e r y single year. Which meant no Quilt Market for me, even if it was in Portland this year (only five hours away). I had resigned the fact that he was only going to turn 18 once and I'd feel a whole lot better not missing his birthday. Funny enough a few days before his birthday we asked him "so what do you want to for your birthday?". His answer, "Why don't we go to Portland." What the?!? It was one of those, "Start the car!" moments, before anyone changes their minds. And so we did, which allowed me to pop into Quilt Market and blast through the show for a few quick hours on Sunday!

The show was significantly different than the one last year in St Louis. I suspect being that is was Sunday, the low key vibe was from everyone being pooped. Or maybe I was projecting my sadness about Cotton + Steel changing. I thought Kim Kight's wilted vase of roses by her Steno collection summed it up best. I'm heart broken for them BUT I'm also super JAZZED to see what these five ground breaking designers will do next. I am I'm prepared for them to bust out and blow our minds!

Oh! Hello Bob Ross! Or should I say, "Happy Painter".  A booth that caught my attention right away was by a company called Quiltoni Superpowered Quilts. Ooh! Look they have a Wonder Woman too! ...I mean an Amazon Warrior.

I had a great chat with Daryl and Giuseppe (AKA Giucy Giuce) from Andover Fabrics. I'm super excited about Guiseppe's new (and first) collection, Quantum! I love the colour palette and I'm intrigued about the panels. Side note: isn't Guiseppe, a great name. We're done having kids but if we ever get another cat...!

Oh and I bumped in to Sandi, Craftyplanner in Alison Glass's booth (thanks for the churros Sandi xo!). You know what else if awesome about Sandi? She remembers to take photos. I get visiting, start oogling and then I forget-d'ohh!

I snuck in a visit with Suzanne from Camelot Fabrics and saw Elizabeth Silvers's Mod Blocks Collection. It looks super cute (and of course I forgot to take photos, see what I mean?). Speaking of these ladies, remember last Fall Quilt Market when I made the Game On quilt for Elizabeth's Game on Collection? I'm gearing up to release that pattern, called "WERD". It's an English paper piecing pattern. I'll be putting a call out for pattern testers on Instagram shortly. 

Sticking with the "ADULT" theme... wait. That didn't sound quite right. Um, you know what I mean, right?! Since my son is now technically an adult (although he'll always be my BABY!). Recommended for your playlist: I'm An Adult Now, by the Pursuit of Happiness. I secretly want to learn the dance the guy in the red coat does!

P.S. We stayed in Seaside after the show, in a place called Grandma's House. It had a lime green salon dryer! How random is that?! With an authentic cigarette tray built in! I kind of fell in love with it!


Instead it's been three trunk shows and two workshops (minus Hugh Grant).

Last month the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild invited me to a do a mini trunk show for them. I was overwhelmed and grateful by their response. They're quite a talented bunch so that really meant a lot. I was also invited to do a workshop for them on "How to Create Your Own Paper Piecing Block". It was an intense day with big brain work. You know how paper piecing is right, it's like one big puzzle. They stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park! We all learned a lot... and there were tacos! Everyone walked away with their own pattern block to sew. A few people were partially done sewing their blocks but Jaydeen was there first one to finish her TACO block!

Next up, back to back trunk shows. The first one is today, Friday, May 11 for the Blue Mountain Quilters Guild in Port Coquiltlam at 7pm. Then tomorrow, Saturday, May 12th, there is a trunk show for the Northwest Quilters Connection: An International Quilt Group at 9:30am in Vancouver. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing their show and tell! 

May 26th I'll be teaching one of my favourite projects, a Cassette Book Cover workshop for the Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild. It's perfect for learning paper piecing and for finishing up a project in one day. We'll aim to make three sizes but I also have an alternative up my sleeve. There are still a few spots available. It's $40 for members and $45 for non members. Email Joan jmzielke@shaw.ca to register. Hey, maybe I'll see you there!

As tradition would have it... RECOMMENDED FOR YOUR PLAYLIST: I can't get enough of this band! I'd recommend ALL their songs but today I'm going to go with THE LATE SHOW by the band called The Beaches. They're a Canadian Band out of Toronto and they're killing it! Sadly I missed them in Vancouver just by days. I won't make that mistake again. 


Secret designing revealed-Yay! I had been sitting on this idea for a while now. I'd even started buying fabric for it but was never satisfied. It was so clear in my head how it should be. The idea was to invent the ultimate, snuggling on the couch, watching shows quilt, based off a North American test screen... Then I got another one of those emails I love! It was from Daryl of Andover Fabrics reaching out and inquiring if I'd be interested in working with Libs Elliott's latest collection called Mix Tape. Boy would I! And Mix Tape was a perfect fit! So perfectly, perfect! I'm thrilled to bring you "REWIND" a FREE pattern ready for download HERE.

I can't wait to get my hands on this new collection and sew it up!!! Until then I'll be pining away for Libs' Mix Tape collections of tiny lips, hearts, stars and skulls. Not to mention those selvages!!! Have you seen the selvages? Each print has THE BEST titles like: Tainted Love (Lysa Flower fun fact, it's my very favorite song!), Heart of Glass (YES!), Lick it up (my husband was a HUGE Kiss fan back in the day. I even did an embarrassing painting of Paul Stanley for him in high school. Maybe I'll show it to you some day... er maybe not, cringe, ha, ha!), Satisfaction (if you had to choose, Beatles or the Stones?), You Shook me (Hello AC/DC!), and more! OOh! My Cassette patterns are SCREAMING for these selvages!

Until we get the fabric in our hands to sew REWIND up, here are some RECOMMENDED TV shows for curling up on the couch with: Amazon Prime's The Marvelous Miss Maisel, The Night Manager and The Man in the High Castle. A show I watched on my own, on the nights when everyone was away, Good Girls Revolt (fingers tightly crossed they do another season!). Oh and we just started watching Sneaky Pete (totally binge worthy)!

RECOMMENDED for your play list (how could I not, this quilt is screaming for this song): The BUGGLES, 1979's Video Killed the Radio Star and here's their 2004 version. I think Prince Charles quite enjoyed it, don't you!

UPDATE... and what's with Rick Springfield's suit?

Before we start I have to take a moment and give a shout out to Stephanie from @simplesewendipity who BLEW MY MIND! And then I saw her flimsy! And then I saw it all quilted up! I've made my share of cassettes in my time but Stephanie made made 28! 28 Rainbow cassettes to border her Boombox quilt! UNBELIEVABLE! Love, love, love!

...Here's the latest UPDATE: I'm not sure where the time goes. And why does everything seem to happen all at the same time? Here's my best way to organize it:

SECRET SEWING: Postponed. Do you remember a few weeks back when I told you I'd be able to reveal my secret designing at the end of the month? We're going to have to hold on just a bit longer. Oh and to really make it titillating, I've recently been working on a second secret sewing project (dream project actually!... now that I think of it they're all dream projects)! Gosh, I'm so grateful for the things that have landed in my lap. Thank you universe, I sure appreciate it!


  • MINI TRUNK SHOW: Monday, April 16th for the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild. I'm going to do my best Brene Brown inspired talk (gosh I love her!). Do you know her work about vulnerability? I'm going to open up and be really candid about my work and my journey on how I accidentally on purpose became a sewing pattern designer. 

  • SHOW: VMQG Quilt Showcase. Saturday and Sunday, August 25th and 26th at the Pipe Shop (115 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver). They put on a show two years ago (it was my very first Newsletter post on this site. You can see it HERE). It was fresh, modern and inspired. I was thrilled to have work in it last time and I'm super excited to enter work for this one too!

UPDATES ABOUT PAST INTERVIEW SERIES PARTICIPANTS (wow, that sounds so official, doesn't?!):

NATALIE SANTINI : : from NOV 2017 INTERVIEW SERIES PART 1 / PART 2 : : Recently was on episode 158 of Modern Sewciety Podcast. You can listen to it HERE. It's the next BEST thing to hanging out with her in person! She always brightens my day! Oooh and she also has a new messenger bag pattern coming out soon too. Be on the look out!

JENNY HAYNES : : from JAN 2018 INTERVIEW SERIES PART 1 / PART 2 exhibition at @artyfactgallery is up and it's a SMASH HIT! Join me in a hip hip hooray for her!

... and lastly...RECOMMENCED FOR YOUR PLAYLIST: Two song this week. A call and response if you will. Ready?... Rick Springfield's JESSIE'S GIRL (quick question Rick, why the suit?! and isn't smashing the mirror a bit extreme? It does crack me up though!) and the Car's MY BEST FRIENDS GIRLFRIEND with a lovely intro appearance by Alice Cooper!